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Manipulator Partner Equo, column mounted version with base to be fixed to the floor, designed for the loading and unloading of welding centers, machining centers, milling machines, lathes, etc. The manipulator equipped with gripping magnet enables the handling of metallic products having different shapes, weights and dimensions. The permanent magnet is installed on three manipulators with different characteristics, studied and costumized for the machine tool to feed and for the type of movement to be done

Manipulator Partner Equo, column mounted version with base to be fixed to the floor, designed for the loading and unloading of welding centers, machining centers, milling machines, lathes, etc. The manipulator equipped with gripping magnet enables the handling of metallic products having different shapes, weights and dimensions. The permanent magnet is installed on three manipulators with different characteristics, studied and costumized for the machine tool to feed and for the type of movement to be done

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